Read the original article here: Health Transformer
“Force is a very exciting place to be right now. We’ve certainly seen a huge growth spurt in the past year and a half or two years,” said Bronwyn Spira, CEO & Founder, Force Therapeutics. “I think a lot of it has to do with the readiness of the industry and the acceptance that digital health is the future.”
Spira was speaking with Unity Stoakes, president of StartUp Health, at the StartUp Health Village in New York City. They discussed the Force Therapeutics platform and how technology is supporting the transition to value-based care and benefiting both patients and the healthcare industry.
“We are a fully developed platform that’s deployed. We have a lot of data underneath us which helps to support our value proposition,” said Spria. “It also gives us the gravitas to talk to large enterprise healthcare organizations.”
By providing patients better communication and education tools, Force is helping large healthcare organizations transition to value-based care. Connecting patients to providers throughout an episode of care, Force is on the path to radically reducing the cost of care and achieving the Cost to Zero Moonshot.
“As we shift from fee-for-service to fee-for-value, provider organizations have to actually provide quality metrics,” said Spira. “As a platform, our core access is patient engagement, but the kind of byproducts of that are all of these rich quality metrics and data points along the way, as well as the patient experience, which is enhanced by having a platform like ours.“
In this episode of StartUp Health NOW, Spira and Stoakes talk about the Force Therapeutics platform and how both Force and other technology solutions are working to optimize value-based care.
“We’ve had a few little shifts in go to market strategy, but the mission has been the same,” said Spria. “We have always believed that patients need tools to help them recover in the home and that making patients successful in their home environment is the best thing we can do for patients.”

Provided by Force Therapeutics